A Movie to See Again,Seyifunmi Ajanaku’s EbonyLife TV’s Film ‘Fifty’
I'll attempt to make a solid case for the movie and why I enjoyed every bit of it.
The movie highlights the strained relationship between young adults and their parents, how unresolved anger, the lack of communication can cause a breakdown between loved ones.The movie had its low points and its high points, but more high points are noticeable, I'll highlight a few I observed: Low Points: One Sided Lagos I appreciate the effort to sell the good parts of Lagos and all, but without the hustle and bustle it seemed too surreal.
High points: Build Up The build up of the movie is beautiful, successive scenes, quickly put things into perspective and the presence of music helps carry it along nicely too.
I like how the movie scenes flow into one another seamlessly, explaining how the lives of these four women are intertwined.
Costume The costume choices fit the style of the movie and were carefully selected to portray the image of the actors.
The message in the movie brings awareness to pressing issues facing society today.